MR Radiography has undertaken Radiation Specialist work in collaboration with Radiation Consultancy Services (RCS) since July 2023. We have primarily acted on behalf of the appointed Radiation Protection Advisor, in order to gather data to assist in the Radiation Protection Audits and to performs radiation equipment tests.


This role has involved visiting a variety of different clinical sites, including but not limited to, hospital radiography departments, veterinary practices, dental practices and chiropractors. Alongside the data gathering and auditing, the Radiation Specialist role has led to working with and testing a wide range of radiation equipment, such as diagnostic x-ray units, dental intraoral and extraoral units, DXA scanners and CT scanners.

Intraoral Dental

de Gotzen X-Mind

Revolution 4DC

Progeny Vet Pro

Nomad Pro 2

Genoray Port-X

Progeny Preva


Plus Porta 100HF

AJEX 2000H

Rafaello HF30/4

Celtic E-40R HF

Poskum PXP-40HF

Maxivet 400HF


Sirona Orthophos XG 3D

Veraview Epocs 2D

F170 Accuitomo 3D

Siemens Somatom Definition

Hologic QDR Densitometer

Canon Aquilion Prime SP


Burcot Hall Hospital

From the inception of Radiology services at Burcot Hall, MR Radiography has played a pivotal role in ensuring that a safe, effective and compliant service could be achieved.


Our work at Burcot Hall commenced in Nov 2021 and since then, MR Radiography has grown into an independently managed radiology service, working very closely with all partners to ensure key achievements can be met.


Our service has undergone immense change and growth over the past 18 months, with two separate x-ray services (Orthopaedic surgery and Allurion Balloon placements) being firmly established.


Some of the key achievements delivered by MR Radiography, in cooperation with various partners, have included:

  • A total of 301 NHS patients had their orthopaedic surgeries performed at Burcot Hall between Dec 2021 to Sep 2023. All patients were successfully imaged post-operatively and had their images transferred to the NHS Pacs system.
  • MR Radiography has worked closely with all the different stakeholders to ensure the delivery and management of these services. This has involved providing suitable staffing cover and appropriate training, formulating and implementing Standard Operating Procedures, and working closely with the RPA to establish Radiation Protection Policy, Local Rules and Employer Procedures. MR Radiography will continue to work with all partners and colleagues to ensure a continuation of an effective and safe delivery of the radiology service at Burcot Hall Hospital.

  • A total of 96 private patients, have undergone hip / knee replacement surgery from April 2022. All patients were imaged post-operatively, with their images successfully stored on the Transform Hospital cloud-based Pacs system.
  • MR Radiography has also assisted Transform Hospital Group is the implementation of it’s first-ever PACS system. This has enabled the radiology service to modernise and meet the same standards of other similar service providers. The Hospital now has the ability to store, import and export studies all with the click of a button and with remote access, which opens up many new business-to-business opportunities. This is also vital step in allowing the Hospital to grow and meet its ambitions of making diagnostic imaging an integral part of its business development.

  • More than 200 Allurion Balloon placements have been performed from July 2022. Our service is fast becoming one of the busiest, and the 50+ placements within the last 2 months clearly demonstrate our rapid growth.
  • Burcot Hall was audited by CQC in April 2023 and MR Radiography is very proud to have contributed to the overall Good rating that the Hospital achieved. One of the key comments made by the inspectors, summarised our commitment and dedication to our service: “The service had enough staff to care for patients and keep them safe. Staff had training in key skills, understood how to protect patients from abuse, and managed safety well. Staff assessed risks to patients, acted on them and kept good care records. The service managed safety incidents well and learned lessons from them.”

For further information on the CQC Report, please clink the following link:

The Pines Hospital

Transform Hospital Group is looking to implement the same services at its second hospital site – The Pines Hospital.

MR Radiography will undertake the similar role as it has done at Burcot Hall, and will endeavour to establish the new services.

These services are expected to start in the latter part of 2023.


MR Radiography has worked closely with the Medical Physics Expert (MPE) appointed at Burcot Hall, to establish and implement a comprehensive Quality Assurance (QA) programme for the radiation equipment used within the radiology department.


MR Radiography has continued to perform, supervise and provide analysis of the monthly QA as part of its extended duties as the appointed Radiation Protection Supervisor (RPS). An effective, real-time spreadsheet was also developed by MR Radiography which allows the operator to store the QA readings in a clear, unambiguous way, as well as providing real-time analysis of the results.






Regarding our services reach out to our team on: